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How to Close Every Deal

December 10, 2020

Walk away with more sales - everytime!

This is not a guide to starting a sales consultation. Instead, let’s talk about the most important part of the conversation - the end.

There is a lot that can go wrong when pitching to a prospect, but usually by the end of the conversation you’ve got the basics about them down: their business, their problems, their needs, wants, and goals. You’ve already presented your solutions. Now at the end, you’re at the part where you make the ASK. Follow this guide and you will save yourself a ton of time and money you might’ve otherwise spend on follow-ups and business you missed out on.

Force a Decision. Do you frequently end your calls by asking the prospect if you could send a proposal over? You send it over, pray they love it and hope they don’t drop their mouths open when they see your prices at the end. wait a week, send a follow-up email, and hope for a decision if you even get an answer at all.
Instead, ask for the decision immediately. This means telling the prospect, “You need to tell me yes or no, right now.” When you force them to make a decision, two awesome things happen:
They see that you are serious, making them think hard about if they really want this, especially if you are so confident in what you are offering.
You get the sale right away. No more follow-ups ever again!
Think about it - when you’re on the phone and demand a decision, none of that maddening back-and-forth happens. No proposals, follow-ups, or wasted time. You’re even saving yourself money by buying yourself time back to do more calls.
When you do not force a decision, you get maybes. Would you rather get a No right away then a Maybe? A No means you can move on with your life and quit chasing a dead lead.
Give Them an Incentive. You might’ve heard that you should never offer discounts when making a sale. When you struggled to make a sale, you throw out a discount in an attempt to get the win when you actually make yourself seem less confident in whatever it is you’re selling. The best way to avoid this is to create an incentive. How can you offer an incentive without making it appear to be a discount? You explain the reason for offering it to them: you need that yes/no decision right now.
If you continue to offer a discount, the scarcity you’ve worked hard to create fails. The reason for the discount is not because you need an answer (spoiler: they don’t care about what you want), but because you gave them something to care about - a perceived discount. Here’s an example from a successful entrepreneur:
“I frequently charge a signup fee of $500 and my regular fees are $2000 per month. However, my prospects make quick decisions when they have an incentive. I frequently waive the $500 signup fee and it will just be the monthly fee moving forward.”
Did you notice how it’s not really a discount, it’s just the removal of a fee (which probably never existed anyway)? But, they have to make a decision or they’ll be stuck paying for something they didn’t need to. You offered an incentive and created scarcity by telling them that the decision has to be made on this call. You gave them a reason to believe you are serious.
Don’t overthink your incentive, just make sure there is a reason behind it, and that you mention the decision must be made on the call.
Squeezing Profits
So what happens if the prospect says no after responding to every concern and objection? If they are still lingering, they are probably interested but the price might be too much for them. If you cannot justify the value or convince them of the ROI, you didn’t qualify the prospect correctly before hopping on the call.
If you want to flip the NO into a HELL YES, then follow this method:
If a prospect really wants to work with you but you cannot lower your prices, what if you created another package to sell to them that would make them happy? The squeezing profits method means going from a value-based price and proposal to a feature-based package.
For lower-priced products or services, it is OK to focus on features as a selling point. Your prospect is probably only thinking about price and weighing the features you’ve given them. This is different than your previous offer when they maybe didn’t understand all that was included in your work. It was focused on how it would help them reach their goals.
Always keep a lower-priced package handy for prospects that don’t convert so they don’t go to waste if they are still interested.
I hope you are able to apply these tactics and start seeing more closed deals!

Force a Decision. Do you frequently end your calls by asking the prospect if you could send a proposal over? You send it over, pray they love it and hope they don’t drop their mouths open when they see your prices at the end. wait a week, send a follow-up email, and hope for a decision if you even get an answer at all.
Instead, ask for the decision immediately. This means telling the prospect, “You need to tell me yes or no, right now.” When you force them to make a decision, two awesome things happen:
They see that you are serious, making them think hard about if they really want this, especially if you are so confident in what you are offering.
You get the sale right away. No more follow-ups ever again!
Think about it - when you’re on the phone and demand a decision, none of that maddening back-and-forth happens. No proposals, follow-ups, or wasted time. You’re even saving yourself money by buying yourself time back to do more calls.
When you do not force a decision, you get maybes. Would you rather get a No right away then a Maybe? A No means you can move on with your life and quit chasing a dead lead.
Give Them an Incentive. You might’ve heard that you should never offer discounts when making a sale. When you struggled to make a sale, you throw out a discount in an attempt to get the win when you actually make yourself seem less confident in whatever it is you’re selling. The best way to avoid this is to create an incentive. How can you offer an incentive without making it appear to be a discount? You explain the reason for offering it to them: you need that yes/no decision right now.
If you continue to offer a discount, the scarcity you’ve worked hard to create fails. The reason for the discount is not because you need an answer (spoiler: they don’t care about what you want), but because you gave them something to care about - a perceived discount. Here’s an example from a successful entrepreneur:
“I frequently charge a signup fee of $500 and my regular fees are $2000 per month. However, my prospects make quick decisions when they have an incentive. I frequently waive the $500 signup fee and it will just be the monthly fee moving forward.”
Did you notice how it’s not really a discount, it’s just the removal of a fee (which probably never existed anyway)? But, they have to make a decision or they’ll be stuck paying for something they didn’t need to. You offered an incentive and created scarcity by telling them that the decision has to be made on this call. You gave them a reason to believe you are serious.
Don’t overthink your incentive, just make sure there is a reason behind it, and that you mention the decision must be made on the call.
Squeezing Profits
So what happens if the prospect says no after responding to every concern and objection? If they are still lingering, they are probably interested but the price might be too much for them. If you cannot justify the value or convince them of the ROI, you didn’t qualify the prospect correctly before hopping on the call.
If you want to flip the NO into a HELL YES, then follow this method:
If a prospect really wants to work with you but you cannot lower your prices, what if you created another package to sell to them that would make them happy? The squeezing profits method means going from a value-based price and proposal to a feature-based package.
For lower-priced products or services, it is OK to focus on features as a selling point. Your prospect is probably only thinking about price and weighing the features you’ve given them. This is different than your previous offer when they maybe didn’t understand all that was included in your work. It was focused on how it would help them reach their goals.
Always keep a lower-priced package handy for prospects that don’t convert so they don’t go to waste if they are still interested.
I hope you are able to apply these tactics and start seeing more closed deals!

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