The idea of marketing yourself isn’t ideal until you’re in business for yourself or looking for a job. But it is a vital skill everyone should take time to master. If you understand the basics, you’ll be ready to position yourself as an expert in what you do best. Here are seven proven ways to market your genius effectively and successfully:
Know your niche.
What are you passionate about? What are your talents and interests? Think about how you already combine these skills and explore the possibilities for you can use them to problem solve and be innovative. Most importantly, what is that uncommon thing - that special gift - that only you can share with the world?
Be recognised for your expertise.
Build a solid foundation of your knowledge base so you can showcase your expertise in what you do best. Promote these ideas and opinions and you’ll be able to effectively grow your reputation. The secret to expertise is figuring out what information is most relevant to others. Develop relationships with thought leaders and the media in your field and community.
Share your knowledge.
The best way to get your name out there as an expert is to write prolifically. Write blog posts, contribute articles, post on social media whenever you have the opportunity. Be sure it is well written, timeline, informative, and most importantly valuable to your readers.
Build Your Community. Create a flourishing network of like-minded individuals in your field and work on really getting to know them and connecting on a deeper level. Genuine expertise is consistently drawn to other experts, and by being in their company you open yourself up to a new world of possibilities and opportunities.
Be of service. Do what you can to help as many people as you can and become a trusted advisor. How can you use your talents and gifts to be of service? Perhaps you can contribute your talents to a local nonprofit, set up an internship or mentoring opportunity for another person who is just starting out. Kindness goes a long way.
Be social media savvy. Focus time every day on the social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram), and other relevant social media channels in your industry. Share some of your knowledge for free. Yes, free! This will enable you to build a base of fans who trust you, your brand, and look to you for expert advice and high-quality content.
Remember, You Are Your Message. Who you are is your message to the world. Each word you say, what you communicate, and your actions are the message you send out to the world. Just as an established company protects its brand, you must be intentional about protecting your reputation.
The person who knows how to market your genius best is YOU. Begin to set yourself apart as a generous person and leader in your professional community and you’ll skyrocket yourself to places you’ve never even dreamed about.