Hello book writing peeps!!!
So,,, how’s your journaling coming along?
Have you been giving some time and attention to your thoughts and the wisdom gained from your unique life experiences?
If so, it’s time to move forward!!!
Yes, it’s time to get started.
By this time you have given thought to and arranged your support system. Be sure to check back to the previous post — Step 1, Your Support System — if not.
It’s time for step 2 now — let’s talk LOGISTICS!!!
Logistics is the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation. It is the management of the “flow” of things.
So you can see how it would be important to managing the process of your book writing well!!
Logistical things to consider:
* Systems
* Structure
* Schedule
* Support
* Staying power
Questions to consider:
1. What systems and set up will help my book writing process along? Think tools, resources, and methodologies.
2. What type of structure can I implement to help keep me on track for success?
3. How will I set up the ultimate schedule for myself to give me the time necessary to reach my goals?
4. What type of support will I need to help things along? Think people, processes, programs etc
5. What do I need to do to stick with it? How can I remove distractions and put a plan in place to stay on course?
If you’d like more details on these steps and some guidance through them, call us today at 1 (800) 568-0890 Ext 6.
Always happy to help out!! 😉
XO Lauren 🤍