Pause is important.
It may be impractical...
It may be costly...
It may even be confusing...
But sometimes it’s necessary.
When something in your GUT is telling you to slow down, that you may be “missing the beat” or even be “off track” it may be time...
UNCERTAINTY is a funny thing.
The willingness to face it is IMPORTANT.
Have you ever given thought to your INTUITION and what it may be trying to tell you?
Have you ever felt “off” or “confused” or maybe even “disoriented”.
Something just isn’t sitting right?!
Well when this is the case, I DARE YOU.
I dare you to SLOW DOWN — at all costs!
Yeah...I know...
People are relying on you.
Perhaps you’re “committed” to someone or something that requires your full attention.
You may even be doing SO well with the momentum you’ve gained that EVERYONE is taking notice and just happens wants a piece of you?!
That’s nice!
BUT you know what?
You may be ready for MORE!
Think about it...
Sometimes slowing down can actually help you further your momentum.
Imagine yourself along the path of life — a path with MANY detours.
Imagine if the ONLY thing you had was your internal compass to guide you.
Scary right?!
Our whole lives we’ve relied on so many EXTERNAL FORCES to help guide us. Then, all of a sudden we are choosing to rely on US?
On OUR intuition?
Well,,, there IS some great news!!!
It isn’t THAT bad. 😉
If there is ONE THING I want to encourage you to do, IF you feel like something just isn’t feeling right it is to SLOW DOWN.
You may have missed the beat.
There may be a better way.
An opportunity may be awaiting you along another path.
You may even be on the right path but you may have missed out on an opportunity that was RIGHT THERE.
The universe would hate that now wouldn’t it?! 
It is not cool to miss out on something that was meant to be.
So consider STOPPING for a moment.
Or, in the very least slow down.
Wait for it.
Wait for your INTUITION to GUIDE you.
Go through the motions — SLOWLY but SURELY.
Let your intuition take the lead. ✨
Then, course-correct!
You will know when it “feels right” to move ahead and in which way to move forward.
And,,, you will KNOW which direction has your name on it.
XO Lauren 🤍